Reinigung - Purification
klärende, lichtvolle Reinigung... mache einfach mit.... clarifying, luminous purification ... just take part ... ... -
Kryon Describes How The Earth Will Change When Lightworkers Step Forward as Masters
Kryon explains many things we see happening on the earth that appear to be one things but when you look behind the scenes can be something completely ... -
Engel des Erwachens - Angel of Awakening
Engel des Erwachens, bitte berühre mich, damit mein Licht zum Leben erweckt wird ... Angel of Awakening, please touch me that my light can come to life ... -
Kryon Gives Incredible Details About the Masters That Have Walked Our Planet With Us
The Master Jesus walked our planet as a shining example of who you truly are and what your are capable of. This remarkable channeling explains the process ... -
Engel für Transformation - Angel for transformation
Engel für Transformation, bitte transformiere alle meine negativen und alten Energien ins Licht, bitte hilf mir aus den alten Mustern auszusteigen... ... -
Kryon Teaches How to Gain Access to Your Higher Self and Describes What its Like to Go Home
Kryon gives astounding details about Heaven, Angels and who you truly are when you aren't being a Human. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Saturday - January ... -
Wegbereiter Engel - Pioneer angel
Wegbereiter Engel Lieber Engel, bitte beleuchte meinen Lebensweg, damit ich ihn leichter beschreiten kann. Pioneer angel Dear angel, please illuminate ... -
Kryon Teaches Lightworkers How to Break Free From the Dark Energy For Good
In this channeling Kryon discusses many ways the dark energy will try to deceive you to keep you from reaching your true potential as a lightworker. He ...