Michael, Raphael und Metatron
Lieber Erzengel Michael, Raphael und Metatron bitte schenke uns Führung, Schutz, Heilung und Unterstützung. Dankeschön. Dear Archangel Michael, Raphael ... -
Martin Hurkens - Nostro Mondo Amato
LOO-tv launched in april 2014 Martin Hurkens's latest music video. The song Nostro Mondo Amato is written by the famous musical director Anton Kropivsek. ... -
Martin Hurkens op bezoek Elsloo 2016
Martin Hurkens, winnaar van Holland’s got talent bezocht Elsloo om gegadigden te laten zingen met de Beeker Liedertafel." -
Martin Hurkens Una Furtiva Lagrima (Official Lyric Video)
Lyric video of Una Furtiva Lagrima from the album Sognare click the link below to buy!"