Istvan Sky Estas Tonne Pablo Arellano - The Song of the Butterfly
"When you buying something from an artist, you're buying more than just an object. You support hundreds of hours of excercise and experimentation. You support days, weeks & months of hard work and moments of PURE JOY. You get a piece of heart, part of a soul, a moment of someone's life. You also support the artist more time to do something they are passionate about to bring beauty in our world". :-)
When you live in nature, in the scent of flowers, in the blessed light of the day and the sweet dew of the morning, you don't have questions, you simply live and joy together with them. Your heart opens, you cry, cry, and your eyes are wet with dew. This is how this song was born, when your body, mind, and soul opens, God steps next to you in an unguarded moment, and pours her treasures into you.
Ha benne élsz a természetben, a virágok illatában, az áldott nap fényében, és a reggeli édes harmatban, nincsenek kérdéseid, csak együtt létezel, együtt örülsz velük, és a szíved kinyílik, és csak sírsz, sírsz, és harmatos lesz a szemed virága. Így született ez a dal, amikor kinyílik a tested, lelked, szellemed, az Isten odalép egy óvatlan pillanatban, és beléd önti áldott kincseit.
Istvan Sky Avatar Music-- A Pillangó Dala
While attending Everness Festival in Hungary we were invited by artist Istvan Sky to visit his Surya Sangíta Ashram. Four beautiful souls met there and by improvising created the musical adventure you are witnessing now.
Music made by Collaboration of: Istvan Sky Kék Ég, Estas Tonne, Pablo Arellano, Indrė Kuliešiūtė.
Video made by Geri Dagys
More info about artists
Estas Tonne -
Pablo Arellano -
Istvan Sky Kék Ég -
Indrė Kuliešiūtė -
Geri Dagys -
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Egyszerűen.. varázslatos találkozás, áldott lélekjelenlét az áldott isteni természetben virágok, pillangók és tündérek között, boldog mosolygós emberekkel repülve csodálatos harmóniákkal a kék bolygó szivárványos égboltján,......köszönöm áldott isteni szerelem
The Song of the Butterfly - Amazing message from the Sky
He talks about the secrets of the healing sounds like this: “The healing sound is born in a deep meditative state. Just sit in silence in nature. Let the ancient cosmic harmony probe deeply into your heart. Breathe slowly and listen to the songs of trees, plants and birds. Breathe together with spring, be the unfolding flower, breathe together with summer, with the miracle of completeness. Breathe together with autumn, with the passing of time and breathe together with the quiet stillness of winter. “"
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