Archangel Michael The Next Level of Spiritual Awareness April 2017 Ronna
Latest Message from Archangel Michael
The Next Level of Spiritual Awareness
for April 2017 Transmitted through Ronna
Sacred Scribe
Original Post:
If you would like to read along at AOT:
Playlist of Archangel Michael Messages:
I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna Vezane *STAR*QUEST* * * E-Mail:
Note from Ronna:
Dearest friends, our new website: is finally up and running. It is still a “work in progress”; however, our PayPal Shopping Cart is now functional. Our old site: is now nonfunctional; however, that address will direct you to the new site. Thank you for your patience during the time was down. For some reason, we were “hacked” by someone from Russia. The Dark Side is now desperate, for it is losing the battle, and we must be more vigilant than ever. It can be frustrating; however, we must send Love/Light to ALL, for truly, “They know not what they do.” We are all experiencing some anxiety and frustration during these wild, unsettling times; however, please understand that we are in the midst of a great transformation process, and our biggest test is to “Hold the Light,” and not get caught up in the maelstrom of negativity. I strongly believe what we have been told, “The best is yet to come.” Forever love and angel blessings, Ronna
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Transmitted through Ronna Vezane * *
AUTHORED BY: KEVIN ADAM & RONNA HERMAN VEZANE explains the concepts given in Archangel Michael’s messages in a clear and easy to understand way. This Spiritual Digest of the latest complex spiritual concepts and universal laws has been designed to assist the reader to quickly comprehend, integrate and live the powerful new wisdom teachings, which are an integral part of our forthcoming Fifth-Dimensional reality. ** If you live in the US and wish to purchase a hard copy: $22 + S&H * Go to:
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