VirtualLight #6 Beacons of Light Feb 2009 - The End of Separation
From Steve:
This month the group talks about the year 2009. Nine in numerology is completion. Actually in most numerological circles the number 2009 is a two or an eleven, yet they say they are using the Countdown to Ascension (010101,020202 etc.) to illustrate an important point. They say that we stand at a very unique window of time where 2009 will begin to end the illusion of separation on Earth. They specifically said to celebrate the 090909 which Lightworker will do in Big Bear Lake, California for the 090909. With this message full of hope and love they also say that the outcome lies firmly within each of us. It means we must have the courage to educate ourselves out of fear. It means that we must each individually examine and release our own belief systems or what the group calls BS'. They have been speaking of this for some time but this year we will see the greatest possibility ever to start making it a reality in our own lives. At one point they even said it will not be long before those we have known to be ET's will make them selves known and they laughed saying when this happens we will no problem bonding with our Earth brothers.
One of the specific points they spoke of was the general perception of the Arab world and the religion of Islam held in the Western world. They say that in 2009 many things will be changing in the Arab world as a whole and this is a good time to educate ourselves. At one point in the channel they even suggested that we Google' Islam or read from the Koran. They say we will find a story of a man who went to a mountain and began to channel a beautiful message of love. Because of a very small faction of extremist we have a tainted image of what one of the world's largest religions is about. This is like hating all Christians because a small faction of extremists decided to bomb an abortion clinic down the street.
2009 can be the beginning of the end of separation on Earth if all of us take the challenge and look inside and re-evaluate our own BS.
Have a great month!
Steve Rother"
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