VirtualLight #6 Beacons of Light - May 2009 - Pretending to be a Human The Ice Cream Channel
From Steve:
Many times I share with you what the group is going to talk about before the channel as they will let me in ahead of time so that I can get aligned with them on specifics. My first clue this time was when Barbara asked a question in the first segment of this broadcast about racism the group replied with we will talk about that later. They did so in the most beautiful loving way. We have a tendency as humans to see things from the human perspective, yet the group keeps telling us that we are not human but rather spirits pretending to be human. This channel took several subjects, including two from the Q & A session earlier, and showed us these issues from the higher perspective of spirit. On the one about race they talked about Charles Darwins theory of natural selection and said that basically it was correct but the meaning of that has been largely misunderstood since we were looking at it as humans instead of looking at it as spirits pretending to be human. They talked and gave ideas for people who feel they are stuck and not moving. It was a beautiful opportunity for all of us to see ourselves from the perspective of spirit.
So what about the Ice Cream? Sorry youll have to watch the channel for find out!
Big hugs
Steve Rother
The Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders from Home
May 2009"
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