Barkha Dutt with Sadhguru - In Conversation with the Mystic
Barkha Dutt: Good evening everybody. I hope you can all hear me right till the back? Yes. I think Chiki also… already did the business of introducing Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, who’s been described in many different ways in my profession, by people from my profession, we’ve called you a maverick, (Sadhguru laughs) we’ve called you a monk on a motorcycle, we’ve called you a glamorous, flamboyant guru but for your devotees you are simply Sadhguru. And yet Sadhguru, at a time when faith seems to be in collision with so many other questions that come up as a matter of individual liberty, I think this will make for a very interesting and important conversation for our times, so I would like to thank you for being part of this conversation.
Let me start with the spiritual and I hope what you say today is also addressed to the skeptics. I count myself among a skeptic, who if told that another human being possesses some sort of godly power, I would perhaps as the first instinct, not believe it but I find interesting about what you’ve s… some of your sayings, as captured by Arundhati Subramaniam in this book, is that you’re actually saying that what we experience beyond our five senses, anything that we experience beyond the five senses can be called God, can be called power or can be called yourself. So if God doesn’t necessarily exist, why do we need gurus, why do we need Sadhguru (Laughter)?
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